
Experience the essence of Finnish sauna tradition

A few steps from Pehku, and you’ll find yourself enjoying the soothing steam of Pehku’s sauna. Experience the essence of Finnish sauna tradition at its finest in Pehku’s wood-fired panoramic sauna, offering a breathtaking view over Tahko. The sauna accommodates up to 20 people at a time, with a two-hour session for each group.

Pehku’s sauna is fully licensed to serve alcohol. Drinks and snacks are charged separately.

Sauna pricing

1 – 10 people 350€

11 – 15 people 400€

16 – 20 people 450€

21 – 29 people 500€

30+ people 550€

For large groups, an additional charge of 100€ per hour applies.

Hot tub 270€

Open hours

Daily at even hours from 10–22.

SAuna menu

Tenderloin Hash

A hearty hash made with beef tenderloin, served with Myrttinen’s pickled cucumber, garlic aioli, and rustic bread.

Price 22,90€ per person


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Pehkun Sauna

Autenttista suomalaista saunaperinnetta parhaimmillaan Pehkun puulla lämpiävässä näköalasaunassa, jonka ikkunasta aukeaa henkeäsalpaava näkymä Tahkon ylle.